
'Two families fighting on Scampia balcony prior to collapse'

Witnesses saw several people on balcony right before to tragedy

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 23 - The collapse of a balcony in an apartment building in the Neapolitan district of Scampia took place overnight just as members of two families were having an argument for futile motives, witnesses said on Tuesday.
    Investigators are not ruling out the possibility that the weight of all the people that were on the balcony at the time of the incident could have contributed to the collapse of the structure, which was already in a state of decay.
    Prosecutors in Naples have opened an investigation into the incident that has left two people dead and 13 others, including seven children, injured.
    Two of the injured children are in critical condition. (ANSA).

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