
Protestors launch assault on TAV worksite

Firecrackers thrown at police, traffic halted on Frejus highway

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JUL 27 - A large group of 'no-TAV' activists who oppose the high-speed rail (TAV) line being built between Italy and France on Saturday launched an assault on a worksite for the project at Chiomonte in the Val di Susa north of Turin.
    The attack was made at many different points and protestors threw firecrackers and flares at police.
    Some of the demonstrators invaded the nearby Frejus highway, halting traffic on the section between Susa and Bardonecchia.
    Rome and Paris have vowed to complete the TAV line connecting Turin with Lyon, despite the years-long and often violent protests regarding its environmental impact. (ANSA).

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