
'Criticism in Italy but Kyiv needs help' says Borrell

'If we stop, Russia will strip Ukraine'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 2 - EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has told a seminar on the Italian island of Ventotene that "Ukrainians must not become another Belarus.
    "When I am criticized because I ask to continue military support to Ukraine - and there has been a lot of criticism here in Italy - my question is: what will happen if I halt it? "Trump says: 'I have a magic formula to end the war in a week'.
    "Me too - I will halt support and the war will end.
    "But how? With Russia depleting Kyiv, (Ukrainian President) Zelensky in Siberia, the defeat of Ukrainians, Russian troops at the Polish border and Russia controlling 40% of the world's wheat.
    "I don't think this is the solution", said Borrell.
    The EU's top diplomat has urged Ukraine's international backers to lift restrictions on the use of weapons they provide to Kyiv to allow its armed forces to hit targets inside Russia.
    The Italian government is against giving Ukraine the all-clear to use Italian-supplied weapons for strikes inside Russian territory. (ANSA).

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