(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 2 - There are currently 24 outbreaks of
swine fever in Italy and the "complex" situation warrants
"caution", the Extraordinary Commissioner for African Swine
Fever, Giovanni Filippini, told ANSA Monday.
"At the moment there are 18 outbreaks in Lombardy, 5 in Piedmont
and 1 in Emilia Romagna," he said.
"We must be prudent. The situation is complex but to call it
dramatic is an exaggeration. It is a situation linked to an
epidemic wave.
"It is clear that there is a great deal of concern on the part
of associations and breeders, especially those who are in the
restriction zones and are subject to the measures that I have
included in the latest ordinance." (ANSA).
Swine fever: 24 outbreaks, 'complex situation, caution'
Epidemic wave but exaggerated to say dramatic