
'Inappropriate for PM to comment ongoing trial' - Schlein

After Meloni's statements on Salvini's Open Arms case

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 16 - Centre-Left opposition Democratic Party (PD) leader Elly Schlein on Monday said it is "extremely inappropriate for a premier to comment an ongoing trial".
    "I don't know if there are precedents", added Schlein spaking about Meloni's comments at the weekend in which she expressed full solidarity with Deputy Premier and Transport Minister Matteo Salvini after a Palermo prosecutor requested a six-year jail term for him.
    In the ongoing trial in Palermo, Salvini is accused of allegedly kidnapping 147 migrants who as interior minister five years ago he stopped from landing at Lampedusa for several days as part of his controversial closed ports policy for migrant rescue ships.
    "The executive and judicial powers are separate to safeguard democracy, but it is a principle they pretend not to know", Schlein said of the cabinet.
    "This government does not respect the autonomy of the judiciary, it is a sign of scarce respect for institutions, which is concerning for a cabinet", the PD leader told the Tagadà program on private television network La 7. (ANSA).

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