
Woman shoots teen son in head before taking own life

15-year-old in critical condition in hospital

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 21 - Verona Chief Prosecutor said Saturday that it is likely that a 15-year-old boy who is in a critical condition in hospital with head injuries was shot on Friday by his 58-year-old mother, who then committed suicide at the family home in the town of Lavagno.
    "The most most credible circumstantial hypothesis at the moment is that the mother attempted to murder the boy and then committed suicide," said Prosecutor Raffaele Tito.
    "The woman had had health problems for some time for some time".
    Investigators questioned the father but he is not suspected of any wrongdoing.
    It had initially been reported that the father had been detained in relation to the case. (ANSA).

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