
'Disproportionate defence is immoral' - pope on Lebanon

When asked about strikes to kill Hezbollah leader

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, SEP 29 - Pope Francis on Sunday said defence must "always be proportional to the attack" - when it is "disproportionate", it shows a tendency to "dominate that goes beyond morality", replying to a question on air strikes on Lebanon and the conflict in the Middle East.
    The pontiff stressed that the actions undertaken by "a country, any country" which uses "force" in "such a superlative way" are "immoral".
    "War is immoral but the rules of war indicate a morality", "when this cannot be seen we say in Argentina, bad blood", the pope said, speaking to reporters on a flight taking him back to Rome after a three-day visit to Belgium. (ANSA).

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