(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 16 - The president of the Italian Bishops
Conference (CEI), Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, has said that
immigration is mainly managed as an emergency while it could
represent a resource for society.
"We often see the continuation of an approach that is only
guided by the emergency which neglects promotion and
integration: we forget that immigration, if well managed, can be
a resource for society", Cardinal Zuppi wrote in the
introduction to the 33rd immigration report 2024 drafted by
Catholic charity Caritas and the Migrantes Foundation which was
published on Wednesday.
The president of CEI noted that the "excessive politicization of
the migration phenomenon, based on the search for consensus and
on fears, prevents the creation of an authentic hosting system"
that is not "self-serving".
"Instead, this is what we need for our own safety", wrote Zuppi.
Migration mainly managed as an emergency says Zuppi
'Phenomenon too politicized' says CEI president