(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 21 - Members of the opposition on Monday
slammed Senate Speaker Ignazio La Russa for saying the roles of
the judicial and political powers should be redefined, possibly
through a constitutional law.
"La Russa is always the same, despite his role", said the PD
whip in the Lower House's Labour committee, Arturo Scotto.
"A man with (Benito) Mussolini's bust at home.
"A fascist who never repented.
"Now he is saying that the Constitution must be changed to
redefine the confines between the judiciary and politics -
northing new, he only mistook the two decades in question", said
Scotto, referring to the decades of the Fascist regime.
Meanwhile Green Europe spokesman and Green Left Alliance (AVS)
lawmaker Angelo Bonelli called for La Russa's resignation.
"The second highest office of the State - the man who would have
to replace the President of the Republic, if unavailable, who is
also president of CSM", the judiciary's self-governing body,
"has also unfortunately opened a conflict with the judiciary",
said Bonelli.
"The Senate speaker intervenes like a party leader asking the
Right in government to change the Constitution to place the
judiciary under the government's control", said bonelli, calling
for La Russa's resignation.
Italian Left (SI) leader Nicola Fratoianni also accused La Russa
of "attacking the judiciary" and of "wanting to change the
"This Right has never resisted the temptation of bending
institutions for their interests.
"Their design is clear, they want to change the constitutional
asset of the country to further concentrate powers - we can't
allow it", said Fratoianni. (ANSA).
Opposition slams La Russa over judiciary comments
'Remorseless fascist', Scotto; Senate speaker 'should resign'