(ANSA) - ROME, OCT 28 - Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister
Antonio Tajani on Monday said "what has occurred and is
happening is unacceptable", speaking about an alleged snooping
gang that is suspected of having hacked police data bases to
illegally harvest information on leading business, political and
showbusiness figures.
"There must be no 'big brother' that controls private lives,
there are already laws of the Republic, there are police forces,
there is the judiciary", Tajani noted during an assembly of the
Industrialists' Union in Turin.
The group allegedly revolved around the company Equalize of
Enrico Pazzali, the president of Fondazione Fiera Milano, who is
under investigation, and former top police officer Carmine
Gallo, who is under house arrest. (ANSA).
There must be no 'big brother' says Tajani
'There are laws, police and magistrates'