
Cold and snow forecast in North, rain in South

Storms forecast in Sicily, Sardinia

Cold and snow forecast in North, rain in South

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 12 - A cold front is moving towards the Alps while intense cyclone activity has been reported over the main Italian islands with cold and snow forecast over the next 12 to 24 hours on the western Alps and violent storms expected to hit Sicily and Sardinia, Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologist of www.iLMeteo. it said on Tuesday.
    Snow has been forecast at an altitude of over 800-1,000 metres on the western Alps while storms will pummel Sicily and Sardinia as two cyclones are brewing over northern and southern Italy, Tedici said.
    Snow in particular has been forecast in the southern area of Piedmont, at an altitude of over 1,000 metres, and across the western Alps until the Valle d'Aosta region.
    Meanwhile intense rain and storms have been forecast in Sicily, southern Calabria and western Sardinia.
    The weather is expected to improve starting on Thursday while temperatures will drop across the country on Friday, according to Tedici. (ANSA).

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