(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 30 - The leader of the largest opposition
party, Elly Schlein, of the centre-left Democratic Party (PD),
on Saturday said a new alliance was necessary to build an
alternative for the country.
Addressing via video link a congress on "Building the
alternative" organized by the PD's Energia Popolare in Rome, the
party's leader stressed that, after regional elections in Emilia
Romagna and Umbria won by centre-left candidates, "we will
promote common battles with the other opposition" members and
work for an "alliance with the country" to build a "proposal for
Italy", but "not on our own".
She also called for European integration.
"We will relaunch European integration: we will preside over the
priorities of the European Socialist Party and the Democratic
Party", said Schlein, adding that she would not back down during
a "European legislature that appears to be very complicated".
Addressing the same congress , the party's President and MEP
Stefano Bonaccini, the former governor of Emilia Romagna, called
for a new centre-left alliance that "gives credibility to our
opposition battle and, in particular, to an alternative
He added that forming a 'broad field,' going from the Centre of
the political spectrum to the Left "according to a case-by-case
scheme is not sufficient anymore", noting that the PD did not
intend to become self-sufficient or "hegemonic" but would not
accept to be blackmailed by potential allies.
He also called for "primaries to choose the PD's future
parliamentary candidates". (ANSA).
Let's build proposal for Italy, but not alone says Schlein
New alliance necessary - Bonaccini