(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 7 - The unemployment rate in November
dropped to 5.7% (-0.
However, the unemployment rate for young workers climbed to
19.2% (+1,4 points), noted the statistics agency, releasing
provisional estimates.
Also in November, compared to the previous month, the number of
people in employment in Italy dropped by 13,000 (-0.1%) to reach
24 million and 65,000 workers.
The national statistics agency, however, said that the number of
people in work was up by 328,000 (1.4%) compared to November
2023, according to provisional estimates.
The employment rate was stable at 62.4% under the provisional
monthly estimate, Istat said. (ANSA).
Unemployment drops to 5.7% in November, lowest since 2004
Rate climbs to 19.2% for young workers says ISTAT