
Holocaust operated by Nazis with Fascist accomplices- Meloni

PM announces national strategy to combat anti-Semitism

Holocaust operated by Nazis with Fascist accomplices- Meloni

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 27 - Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said anti-Semitism was not defeated when the gates of Auschwitz were torn down, announcing a national strategy to fight the phenomenon in a message issued on Monday to mark International Holocaust Remembrance Day on the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp.
    The premier also noted in the message that the Nazi plan, whose premeditated ferocity makes the Holocaust a tragedy without comparison in history, found the complicity of the Fascist regime in Italy.
    Anti-Semitism "is a plague that survived the Holocaust, it took different forms, and spreads through new tools and channels.
    "Fighting anti-Semitism, in all the forms in which it appears, ancient and modern, is a priority of this Government", the premier also said in her message.
    "A commitment that has never failed and which we intend to promote with strength and determination, also through the elaboration of a new national Strategy to fight anti-Semitism, an articulated document" which sets "objectives and concrete actions to counter a vile phenomenon which has no right of citizenship in our societies", the premier said in the message.
    "Eighty years ago, the horror of the Holocaust was shown to the world in all its terrifying strength.
    "On January 1945, the gates of Auschwitz were torn down and, together with them, the wall that prevented to clearly see the abomination of the Nazi plan to persecute and exterminate the Jewish people also came down.
    "Men, women, children and elderly people were taken from their homes, forced to leave everything, taken to extermination camps and killed only because of their Jewish religion.
    "A plan of such premeditated ferocity makes the Holocaust an unprecedented tragedy in history.
    "A plan, conducted by Hitler's regime, which in Italy also found the complicity of the Fascist" regime, through the "infamy of the racial laws and the involvement in roundups and deportations", the premier said in the message. (ANSA).

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