
Probe unveils alleged benefits, drugs for Rebibbia inmates

'Fake certificates' to obtain alternative measures to detention

Probe unveils alleged benefits, drugs for Rebibbia inmates

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 27 - Carabinieri officials coordinated by Rome's anti-mafia DDA investigators have carried out a sweeping probe on the Rebibbia prison in the Italian capital that involved 32 suspects, a number of whom have been arrested on charges of criminal association aimed at drug trafficking, investigative sources said Monday.
    According to investigators, health officials led by a psychologist who worked for the ASL Roma 2 health authority's office against drug abuse (Ser. D.) allegedly provided fake certificates to ensure detainees were placed under alternative measures to detention.
    Two people were arrested and two were suspended from public service for a year on charges including corruption and providing false statements and certificates in documents for judicial authorities, said the sources.
    Meanwhile in another part of the probe, the psychologist, who was placed under house arrest, is also accused of aiding a detainee, a Roman drug trafficker who, thanks to his two layers, one of whom was also arrested, allegedly continued to lead a drug trafficking network operating in the southeastern part of Rome.
    Overall, 28 people were served precautionary measures by the police, including arrest warrants, as part of the probe regarding allegations of drug trafficking, investigative sources said. (ANSA).

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