
Meloni a coward, not iron lady but butter man says Renzi

'Strong with the weak and weak with the strong'

Meloni a coward, not iron lady but butter man says Renzi

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 5 - Centrist Italia Viva (IV) party leader and Senator Matteo Renzi, a former prime minister, said Wednesday that Premier Giorgia Meloni was not an iron lady but a butter man who was strong with the weak and weak with the strong, addressing the Upper House after Justice Minister Carlo Nordio and Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi had reported on the case of the release and flight back home of Libyan official Osama Almasri.
    "With Meloni, you thought you had found the iron lady, but you actually found butter man - strong with the weak and weak with the strong", said Renzi, a member of the centre-left opposition which has repeatedly urged the prime minister to report to Parliament on the case.
    "If the coward premier had had any courage, she would have come here and she would have said that there is a national interest of this country and it's called ENI", added the senator, referring to the energy giant which has major projects in the North African country.
    "If Meloni wanted to defend national interest, she would have said it.
    "But she doesn't do it, she releases the torturer of children", said Renzi over the fact that Almasri is wanted for the alleged murder of migrants and alleged rape of persons as young as five.
    Renzi also said "the book to read is not the Lord of the Rings anymore, but Pinocchio".
    He added that he played the part of the jiminy cricket, Nordio and Piantedosi of the cat and the fox, while Meloni would like to play the fairy but she is the butter man.
    "Today, Giorgia Meloni lost her reputation, honour and dignity, she can't talk about immigration and security anymore", Meloni's sister Arianna over the weekend told a rally of her right-wing Brothers of Italy (FdI) party, which is steeped in Good vs Evil Tolkien lore and many of whose members attended Hobbit Camps as youngsters, that "Giorgia is our Frodo and we are the Fellowship of the Ring ". (ANSA).

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