(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 15 - Tuscany Governor Eugenio Giani on
Saturday asked the government to recognize a state of emergency
of national importance for the central region following
torrential rain and floods.
"I request the government to recognize the state of national
emergency to guarantee quick interventions for the communities
affected by the strong bad weather", Giani wrote.
"I defend my land and my compatriots with determination", said
the Tuscany governor.
Meanwhile the regional government issued an extreme weather red
alert for the areas of Valdarno Inferiore, Arno Costa, Bisenzio
and Ombrone Pistoiese over the risk of floods following heavy
An amber alert was in place Saturday in Florence and the areas
of Mugello and Valdarno Superiore. (ANSA).
Tuscany governor requests state of emergency over weather
I defend my land says Giani