
Woman attacked by dog ;;near Trapani dies

Erina Licari, 62, mauled to death in Sicily

Woman attacked by dog ;;near Trapani dies

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 22 - A 62-year-old Italian woman died after being attacked by a dog near Trapani in Sicily Friday night, local sources said Saturday.
    The woman, Erina Licari, died Friday evening in Petrosino, due to the critical injuries sustained after being attacked by the animal.
    The victim was in front of her home near the municipal stadium, in the area between via Trapani and viale Mediterraneo.
    The injuries caused by the dog's bites left her fatally injured.
    In fact, rescuers could do nothing but confirm her death.
    The police intervened on site, and, coordinated by the Marsala Prosecutor's Office, is carrying out investigations, also to determine whether it was a stray dog, or someone's property, but left free.
    Licari was said to have been walking her little dog when she was attacked.
    Police said she may have been mauled by two animals, not just one. (ANSA).

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