
Prison suicides up to 24 so far this year after 3 in a day

Last year's record of 91 risks being broken says SPP union

Prison suicides up to 24 so far this year after 3 in a day

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, MAR 24 - There have been 24 suicides in Italy's prisons so far this year after three inmates took their own lives in jails in Avellino, Genoa and Trieste on Sunday, penitentiary police union SPP said on Monday.
    The union said that, at this rate, last year's record of 91 prison suicides will be broken in 2025, amid alarm about overcrowding in Italy's jails.
    "Prison deaths cannot be written off as ordinary events," said SPP Chief Aldo Di Giacomo, adding that there has been a 40% rise in suicides among inmates with mental health problems and those who are drug addicts, who make up about a third of the nation's prison population.
    "The emergency has passed a threshold, with the State incapable of guaranteeing the lives of the people in its custody and the lives of the personnel, who are subjected to daily abuse.
    "There are alternative measures (to prison) that, in addition to preventing the repetition of a crime, help reintegration into society.
    "These are not shortcuts or do-gooder concessions, but a Constitutional duty. "Targeted, effective tools and funding are needed, as well as collaboration between local authorities and the penitentiary administration". (ANSA).

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