
Directors plan theatre response to Paris

Theatre producers annoyed by reaction in Italy

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - Milan, November 17 - Italian directors Gianni Forte and Stefano Ricci are preparing a theatre performance as a response to the terror attacks in Paris after they witnessed events unfold from a friend's house.
    The performance "Wunderkammer soap #7 Massacre à Paris" is set to be performed in the Parisian suburb of Vanves on March 10.
    "On the evening of the massacre, we witnessed what was happening at the Bataclan concert hall live, we looked out of the window of our friends and we were shocked because we could hear it all," Forte told ANSA.
    However once they returned to Italy, Forte said they also had a sense of annoyance at the lack of concern in Italy, and the way it seemed that the shocking event had been brushed off by most people.
    "How can we pretend this does not affect us all? Italians' solidarity is just a show… posting words of outrage on Facebook is enough and then you can go shopping, without any responsibility...on the contrary, now we need the individual responsibility to have a different awareness of things," he said.

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