
Archaeology: Egypt, Ramesses II and Hathor statues found

Statues of pharaoh, goddess of love discovered south of Cairo

Redazione Ansa

(ANSAmed) - CAIRO, JULY 28 - ''Pink and black granite statues dating back to the era of Ramesses II'' together with Coptic-era blocks of limestone have been found near Mit Raineh, some 30 km south of Cairo, by archaeologists of the Superior Council of Egyptian antiquities, according to the Facebook page of the Egyptian ministry of tourism and antiquities.
    The discovery was made ''in the last few days'' and findings include the statue of pharaoh Ramesses II ''accompanied by two gods'' and the images of several divinities like Sekhmet (the goddess of war, with a lioness's head), of Ptah and the goddess of love and beauty Hathor, the post said, announcing that excavation work will continue until the entire area has been examined. (ANSAmed)..

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