
Alberto Angela king of Xmas night TV

Pope's Urbi et Orbi message gets 30% audience share

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 26 - Presenter and scientific populariser Alberto Angela was the king of Christmas Day evening TV viewing with an audience share of 21.17% as some 3, 239,000 viewers tuned into his show Tonight in Paris on state broadcaster Rai's flagship Rai1 channel.
    The Christmas Concert on Mediaset flagship Canale 5 came second with 12.83%, or 1,651,000 viewers.
    On Rai2 the film Crudelia drew an audience of 1,271,000, or 7.49%, while on Italia 1, the second Berlusconi channel, Miracle on 34rth Street got 1,157,000 and 7.26%.
    The offering on the third Mediaset channel Rete4, tearjerker Hachiko, attracted 788,000 viewers for a share of 4.51% while Christmas classic It's A Wonderful Life lured 620,000 and 3.78% while the film TUT got 250,000 or 2.09% on La7.
    Earlier in the day Pope Francis's annual Urbi et Orbi message to Rome and the world obtained a share of over 30%. (ANSA).

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