(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 17 - The mayor of Ascoli in Marche said
Wednesday they were waiting for Russell Crowe with open arms to
grant him honorary citizenship after the Gladiator star revealed
he had a great great great grandfather who emigrated from the
Adriatic town to New Zealand.
The first citizen, Marco Fioravanti, said "this honour will keep
our relationship with the actor solid and will help boost our
international profile".
Crowe, 59, who was born in New Zealand and grew up in Australia,
recently said he was seeking his Italian roots and had tracked
the ancestor on his mother's side, Luigi Ghezzi, back to Ascoli
whence he reportedly emigrated in 1864. (ANSA).
Ascoli to give citizenship to Russell Crowe
Gladiator star has roots in Marche city