(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 27 - The strategic relevance and the
potential growth and development of the underwater world as part
of cooperation between Italy and Japan were at the centre of an
international conference organized in Tokyo by the Italian Navy
and by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, during the Japanese visit
that is part of the global tour of the Amerigo Vespucci vessel
and of Villaggio Italia.
"Some 80% of the ocean floor is completely unknown and out of
that 20% (which is known) only 2% is mapped", the Deputy Chief
of Staff of the Italian Navy, Admiral Giuseppe Berutti Bergotto,
told ANSA.
"We have a huge source of wealth, both economic and strategic.
"Just think that 90% of all our digital communications travel
through the seabed", he went on to say, also stressing the
"presence of specific metals, the so-called rare earths, which
are fundamental for the Green transition.
"Today, we rely on China completely to import these metals.
"About 90% of these metals are imported.
"But nearly all the metals we need are on our seabed", he noted.
The conference's two panels were attended by leading experts in
the sector, representatives of major companies and start-ups,
academia and research centres.
They included Carlo Festucci, secretary general of AIAD (the
Federation of Italian Aerospace, Defence and Security
Industries) and Andrea Toma, vice president of shipbuilder
Fincantieri's Defence Institutional Affairs.
A large and qualified public participated with diplomats,
university professors, entrepreneurs and Navy representatives
from several countries.
"The Italian Navy has always undertaken a key role in the
underwater dimension both from a technological and research
standpoint and in particular for the control and defence of
these infrastructures.
"We have an operation which is called dark seabed which allows
us the control, I would say on a daily basis, of all pipelines
and wires carrying our energy and our digital communication",
said the admiral.
The seminar called 'The underwater dimension: how to increase
awareness and its sustainable use' provided an opportunity to
start an international debate through different perspectives
such as the ones regarding environmental security, technology
and governance. (ANSA).
Vespucci World Tour - panel on underwater dimension
Conference organized by Navy-Sasakawa Peace Foundation