
Interni magazine devotes 1st issue of 2025 to Italy Pavilion

Special edition dedicated to Italian-Japanese cultural relations

Interni magazine devotes 1st issue of 2025 to Italy Pavilion

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, JAN 17 - Interni, the prestigious Mondadori magazine which has covered the world of design and architecture for an international audience for over 70 years, has opened 2025 with a special "Italy-Japan" edition totally dedicated to cultural relations between Italy and Japan, with 40 pages devoted to the Italy Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka.
    The magazine, which has just come out in newsstands and via app in Italian and English, is being presented on Friday in Paris.
    "The far-sighted editorial decision by Interni and by Editor-in-chief Gilda Bojardi to dedicate a single-subject issue to Japan and to Italy's participation at Expo underlines the importance of Italian design and high-level craftsmanship for our system's economic system," said Ambassador Mario Vattani, the Commissioner General for Italy at Expo 2025 Osaka.
    "Events such as Milan Design Week are events of international importance, capable of catalyzing the attention of the media, of companies and of enthusiasts at a global level.
    "This year the inauguration of Expo takes place in the same period as that of the Salone del Mobile (Milan Furniture Fair), with which we are organizing a live video link for the Made in Italy Day celebrations.
    "It is worth remembering that, among the many activities planned to celebrate Italian creativity and technology in Osaka, we will host the awards ceremony for the special edition of the international Compasso d'Oro prize dedicated to Expo 2025 in September at the Italian Pavilion".
    Many big names contributed to this special edition of Interni, which opens with a piece by Gianluigi Benedetti, the Italian Ambassador to Tokyo.
    The story of the Italy Pavilion is introduced by Commissioner General Mario Vattani, with the addition of an extract of his essay "Svelare il Giappone" (Revealing Japan, Giunti, 2020), in bookstores from February, this time in a paperback version.
    The architect Mario Cucinella illustrates the concept of the Italy Pavilion and its architectural structure, while Professor Rossella Menegazzo, an important figure in cultural relations between Italy and Japan and the Head of Culture, Science and Education of the Italy Pavilion, writes the story of the artisan intelligence that made Italian know-how famous at the global level. The contribution of the journalist and writer Stefania Viti, the Communications Manager for Italy at Expo, focuses on food as a philosophical element that unites Italy and Japan.
    This extraordinary issue of Interni is also enriched by insights into some of the top names of contemporary Italian culture who will take their works to Osaka, such as Jago, Francesca Leone and Oriana Persico.
    It is also an opportunity to get to know better the Ambassadors of the Italian Pavilion - Japanese personalities whose close relationship with our country has influenced their artistic and entrepreneurial paths, and who have agreed to collaborate to strengthen the ties between the two nations: fashion designer Junko Koshino; industrial designer Ken Okuyama; Orchestra Conductor Tomomi Nishimoto; designer Toshiyuki Kita; sculptor Susumu Shingu; entrepreneur Yuzo Yagi, who we have to thank for the restoration of Rome's Pyramid of Gaius Cestius; and illustrator Yoshitaka Amano, who designed the poster for the latest Lucca Comics and Games festival marking the 100th anniversary of Giacomo Puccini's death.
    The special contribution of Monsignor Rino Fisichella, the General Commissioner of the Holy See Pavilion at Expo 2025 Osaka, which highlights the profound significance of the Holy See's presence being inside the Italy Pavilion or the first time in Expo history, should not be missed either.
    So this edition of Interni dedicated to the themes of Italy at Expo underlines the role of the creative and design industries as key elements of our country's DNA and it is a preview of the values ;;and contents that will represent Italy on the global stage at Expo 2025.
    To find out more, check out: (ANSA).

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