
Sanremo's third night a hit with viewers again

10.7 mn tune in as Duran Duran return to festival after 40 yrs

Sanremo's third night a hit with viewers again

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, FEB 14 - The 2025 Sanremo Music Festival was hit again with viewers on its third night on Thursday, with an average of 10.7 million people tuning in, 59. 8% of the overall TV audience share, including those watching via personal computer, smart phone or tablet.
    Last year the third night of the much-loved music jamboree and song contest attracted 10 million viewers, 60.1% of the share, although that calculation only included people watching via traditional television sets.
    The highlight of Thursday's show was a guest star appearance by Duran Duran 40 years after they first came to Sanremo.
    They played a medley featuring Invisible, Notorious and Ordinary world.
    The British band were then joined on stage by Maneskin bass player Victoria with Simon Le Bon shouting: "we love this girl".
    A performance of Wild Boys turned up the excitement even more.
    Then the comedian Katia Follesa turned up in a wedding dress and, inspired by the film Sposerò Simon Le Bon (I'll Marry Simon Le Bon), proposed to the band's lead singer. (ANSA).

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