
Almost nine out of 10 Italians eating at home at Xmas

Average of eight diners at Italian festival meals

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROME, DEC 24 - Around 88% of Italian people will have Christmas dinner at their own home or the homes of family or friends, according to a study released on Sunday by farmers association Coldiretti and the Ixe' market-research agency.
    It said Italians will spend an average of 2.7 hours cooking Christmas meals.
    The study said 85% of people eating at home will prepare the meals personally, with 7% getting takeaway food and remainder relying on dishes brought by relatives or friends.
    It said there will be an average of almost eight diners at Italian Christmas meals this year.
    The average family expenditure for Christmas food is 115 euros, up 10% on 2022, it said. (ANSA).

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