
Italian-Arab Bourse: lifting of visas

Many international accords, 'ICE plays key role'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSAmed) - BARI, MAY 3 - Managing director of the Italo-Arab Chamber of Cooperation Raimondo Schiavone told ANSA on Thursday that the lifting of several obstacles such as ones connected with visas could be of significant help to trade in the area. "Often, in our work, which includes bringing Arab enterprises here, we find it difficult to get visas for the enterprises in time. This is certainly an aspect that limits us a bit. Perhaps, from this point of view," he said, "embassies in our countries are more attentive." Schiavone was speaking in Bari as part of the first day of the Italian and Arab Enterprise Bourse. He stressed that, in order to step up relations with Arab countries, "the state already does a great deal" and cited the existence of "many international accords between Italy, the European Union and the Arab League that we deal with" and the "important role that the Italian Institute of Foreign Trade (ICE) plays in that area".
    On the prejudices that some entrepreneurs have towards Arab countries, Schiavone said that "there are some, certainly, especially at this time in which the geopolitical situation is unclear". However, he added "we move only along safe channels, bringing enterprises to countries where a margin of security is ensured.
    At the moment, Gulf countries are secure as well as North African ones such as Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco, as well as Lebanon and Egypt. There are countries where the level of security is high." Schiavone noted that "as the Italo-Arab Chamber of Cooperation, we have brought in a very important memorandum with the Puglia regional government to create a route that over time leads to Puglia enterprises making their way to these markets with greater confidence." "We are talking," he said, "about nearby markets where there is a different cultural approach compared with classic markets, and which we need to approach with products in need of certification." (ANSAmed).

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