
House, Foreign Affairs Committee delegation on mission to Algeria

highlighting the deep bond that unites the two countries'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ALGERI, 12 GIU - A mission of a delegation from the Chamber of Deputies led by Giangiacomo Calovini (FdI), accompanied by Salvatore Caiata (FdI) and Andrea Giorgio Maria Felice Orsini (FI), is currently underway in Algiers, the capital of Algeria.
    According to the Italian Embassy in Algiers, the mission was part of the activities to deepen dialogue between Italy and Algeria, including in the dimension of parliamentary diplomacy.
    The Italian delegation was received by the Vice-President of the corresponding Commission for Foreign Affairs and the Algerian Community Abroad of the National People's Assembly, Moundir Bouden, by the President of the Commission for International Cooperation and the Algerian Community Abroad of the Council of the Nation (Upper House of the Algerian institutional system), Mohamed Amroune, and by the Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Abdelhamid Ahmed-Khodja.
    During the talks, the deep bond that unites the two countries based on a historic friendship strengthened over time with an incessant flow of visits, even at the highest level, was highlighted. The exceptional nature of the bilateral partnership and the important challenges that Italy and Algeria can jointly face to maintain stability in the Mediterranean and the African continent, starting with the Sahel area, were also confirmed.
    In this context, Calovini, recalling that the visit of the Foreign Affairs Commission takes place on the eve of Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune's participation in the G7 Summit in Borgo Egnazia at the invitation of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (Algeria's first participation in such a format) underlined Italy's commitment to promoting a new long-term approach to support stability and security on the African continent, also to counter the migration phenomenon, which finds its operational framework in the 'Mattei Plan for Africa' to which Algeria has already confirmed its support.
    Finally, new possible cooperation dossiers were explored in the fields of tourism, desert agriculture, solar energy and food security.

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