
Ambassador to Mexico, thousands expected on the Vespucci

Modiano: 'The sailing ship will land on 18 June in Puerto Vallarta'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - CITTÀ DEL MESSICO, 13 GIU - 'The Vespucci will land in Mexico on the morning of Tuesday 18 June at the cruise ship pier in Puerto Vallarta'. This was said by the Italian ambassador to the Latin American country, Alessandro Modiano, during a press conference also attended by the head of the Embassy's political office, Tommaso Coniglio, and the head of the Consular Chancellery, Andrea Lay. 'As per tradition,' continued the ambassador, 'the ship will be welcomed by myself, together with the local authorities, in this case officials from the Mexican Ministry of the Navy, the Port and the municipality. This will be followed by courtesy visits by the captain to the mayor and the commander of the naval area, as well as convivial and sporting activities between the crew of the Vespucci and the Mexican Navy personnel. On Wednesday, 19 June, an on-board lunch will be held, attended by, among others, Foreign Minister Alicia Bárcena, and will be followed by a press conference. In the evening, the commander has organised a reception for about a hundred people, including Mexican authorities from the three orders of government, officers from the armada and other armed forces, the diplomatic corps, military attachés, and representatives of the Italian community. The following days will be devoted to visits on board by schoolchildren and the public, who will be able to access the ship - without a reservation - from 3 to 7 p.m. on Thursday 20 June and from 3 to 5 p.m. on Friday 21 June. On Saturday 22 the ship can be visited from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 7 p.m. During the navigation, two researchers from the Sea Centre of the University of Genoa are carrying out scientific activities on board, which will be the subject of a dialogue to be held on Thursday 20 with the participation of several Mexican universities and representatives of the CNR and the NGO Jonian Dolphin Conservation. A photo exhibition on Italy in its various facets will also be set up on the bench, "but the ship itself, which thousands of people will be able to visit, will still be our best ambassador of Made in Italy," concluded the head of Italian diplomacy in Mexico.

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