
Italian design stars with 'An Italian Affair

The project at the '3 Days of Design' fair in Copenhagen

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 15 GIU - For three days, the Danish capital lived under the banner of design: combined through furniture, lighting and new materials, it was in fact the protagonist of the '3 Days of Design', Scandinavia's most prestigious sector fair, which closed yesterday evening. Many exhibitors, from various parts of the world, scattered throughout the city, also engaged on sustainability and recycling, topics that are now priorities for companies and workers. Against a backdrop of established talents, young creations and a curious public, 'An Italian Affair' - a project curated by Claudia Pignatale - received the deserved recognition that the high quality of the design presented, the refinement of the products and the attention to components and materials highlighted in the eyes of experts and visitors alike.
    For three days the Italian design of Ethimo, Fenix, Moroso and secondome was the protagonist of the residence in Fredericiagade 2, right in front of the Royal Palace, telling a story made up of craftsmanship, design, creativity, attention to detail and a lot of passion: in fact, "An Italian Affair".
    A strong message of a strong tradition that knows how to innovate and understand new needs, without ever leaving behind that warm way of transmitting contagious energy that remains the "trademark" of Italian know-how. Cement that looks like precious marble, reclaimed wood that impersonates refined design, surfaces that translate colours and reflections: this is how the Italian project at 3 Days of Design 2024 was able to enthuse visitors and professionals, succeeding in transforming itself into a living culture, a sort of design poetry whose language won everyone over.

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