
Made in Italy food and beverage promotional events in Baku

Training courses and show cooking

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 20 GIU - The Italian Embassy in Baku in cooperation with the Italian Trade Agency Baku office organised a series of promotional events for Made in Italy food and beverage in Azerbaijan. There was a business meeting with 13 Italian companies operating in the food and wine sector, with bilateral meetings between Italian companies and local importers to initiate possible collaborations. A training course was then promoted, in collaboration with the Consortium for the Protection of Valpolicella Wines, called 'Vep - Vlpolicella Education Program' dedicated to professionals in the sector. Finally, a press conference by the newly appointed ambassador Luca Di Gianfrancesco and a cooking show with Ehtiram Farzalibayov, food blogger from Azerbaijan, and chef Salvatore Bianca.

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