
Uruguay, Amb. Petri on an official visit to Punta del Este

Focus on tourism cooperation and business opportunities

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - MONTEVIDEO, 20 GIU - The possibilities for cooperation between Italy and Uruguay in the field of tourism were the focus of Ambassador Fabrizio Petri's official visit to Maldonado and Punta del Este, on the Atlantic coast.
    On the occasion, the ambassador was received by the Intendente of the Department of Maldonado, Enrique Antía, with whom he also explored the business opportunities offered by the area, given its strong attractiveness as a destination for holidaymakers mainly from Argentina and Brazil, but also from Europe.
    Accompanied by the honorary vice consul, Petri then inaugurated the INCA patronage office in Punta del Este and met with a delegation of entrepreneurs.
    Still in Punta del Este, the ambassador then inaugurated a bust of Amerigo Vespucci installed in a city square, which was renamed in honour of the Florentine navigator for the occasion.
    "I am happy to be witness to the beauty of Punta del Este, not by chance one of the most important tourist destinations in Latin America, to inaugurate a square that will be a symbolic bridge between Italy and Uruguay, two lands that are distant but share a common past and future made of values, respect and cooperation," Ambassador Petri said during the ceremony.

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