
Chile: Amb. Biagiotti sees President of the Constitutional Tribunal

To talk about cooperation initiatives between Italy and Chile

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - SANTIAGO DEL CILE, 21 GIU - The Italian Ambassador to Chile, Valeria Biagiotti, held a meeting with the President of the Chilean Constitutional Tribunal, Nancy Yáñez Fuenzalida, which was attended by the second Secretary of the Embassy, Althea Cenciarelli, and the judges who make up the Court, Ministers María Pía Silva, Miguel Ángel Fernández, Daniela Marzi, Raúl Mera and Alejandra Precht.
    Among the topics discussed were the work carried out by the Constitutional Court in its various areas of competence and the main challenges that have emerged in recent democratic processes, as well as future initiatives to be undertaken to consolidate cooperation between Italy and Chile, including the possibility of meetings between Constitutional Courts to foster dialogue from a comparative perspective and the exchange of best practices.

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