
Croatia, Amb. Trichilo visiting Italian companies

Meeting with AquafilCRO and Alba Profil managers

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 21 GIU - The Italian Ambassador to Croatia, Paolo Trichilo, visited the plants of two Italian companies based in the Krapinia Zagorje region, north of Zagreb and south of the Slovenian border. In Oroslavje, he was welcomed by board chairman Sasa Muminović and manager Angelo Cordella and visited the AquafilCRO site. This is the local branch of the company of the same name based in Arco di Trento, a leader in the circular economy since 1965 and a reference point in terms of quality and product innovation both in Italy and worldwide thanks to its production of nylon fibres and polymers.
    The next stop was Alba Profil, owned by the Alba Siderurgica group of Padua, which specialises in the production and marketing of iron, insulated panels and corrugated sheets, and is involved in the cold cutting of metal strips and the trade of metal products. Director Davide Vettorato received the Ambassador at the production plant in Kumrovec.
    During the day, a meeting was also held with the president of the region, Željko Kolar, who outlined the strategies for attracting foreign investment to the region, noting the importance of Italian companies for local employment, including through the funding made available by the NRP.
    The Mayor of Oroslavje, Viktor Šimunić, thanked the Ambassador for his interest in the Municipality of Genoa in relation to his fellow citizen Josip Mikulec, a great traveller to all the continents in the early decades of the 20th century, who died in the Ligurian capital on 9 May 1933 and is buried at the Staglieno Cemetery. In fact, the Mayor is nurturing a project to dedicate a museum to this historical figure.

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