
Italian Film Days kick off in Sarajevo

An initiative of the Italian Embassy

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - SARAJEVO, 21 GIU - Yesterday evening saw the start of the "Days of Italian Cinema in Bosnia Herzegovina", the annual appointment organised by the Italian Embassy with the latest in Italian cinematography.
    The Kino Meeting Point in Sarajevo - a point of reference in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian capital for all film lovers - hosted "C'è ancora domani" by Paola Cortellesi, who has already starred in numerous films screened as part of the same festival in previous years. An audience that has never been so female welcomed the Italian blockbuster in 2023 with long applause, praising Cortellesi's performance and showing strong emotional involvement throughout the film.
    "As you know," said Ambassador Marco Di Ruzza at the opening of the event, "this film tackles topical issues such as patriarchy, domestic violence and women's emancipation in a manner that is both profound and light-hearted. Issues that - unfortunately only recently - have also been much talked about in Bosnia Herzegovina. Tonight's film wants to be our contribution so that more and more is spoken about them and that is why we have chosen it to open one of the most representative, followed and appreciated festivals of our cultural diplomacy in the country'.
    The Italian film festival will continue today in Sarajevo with the comedy "La guerra dei nonni" by Gianluca Ansanelli and in Mostar with "Comandante" by Edoardo De Angelis, based on a true story that took place in World War II. "Comandante" will also be screened in Sarajevo on Saturday and in Tuzla next Monday, while audiences in Banja Luka will be able to enjoy "La guerra dei nonni" on Saturday. Confirming the eclectic nature of the festival, the Meeting Point in Sarajevo will finally host the documentary "Il Respiro di Sarajevo" by Fabiana Antonioli and Andrea D'Arrigo on Sunday, in memory of the solidarity shown by Italy towards the people of Bosnia Herzegovina during the tragic years of the war. The director will attend the screening together with two of the film's protagonists, Sarajevo citizens Sandra Pasic and Sanja Bogicevic. The documentary was also realised thanks to the support of the Piedmont Region and the City of Turin.

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