
'Red bench' at the Italian Embassy in Tashkent

'Dedicated to all women victims of violence and feminicide'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 21 GIU - On 21 June at the Italian Embassy in Tashkent, a ceremony is scheduled for the installation of a Red Bench, symbolising the "empty place left in society by women victims of feminicide", taking up the initiative launched by the Farnesina on 8 March last on International Women's Day, as part of the project devised by the Women's States against gender-based violence and for the promotion of women's emancipation.
    The bench, made locally, will be placed in the Embassy garden in an area clearly visible from the main road parallel to the diplomatic representation and will bear a plaque in Italian and Uzbek "dedicated to all women victims of violence and feminicide".
    During the inaugural event, the bench will be covered with a red drape and then unveiled to the public, composed of representatives of civil society and the cultural world with a marked prevalence of women. Also as part of the initiative, Ambassador Agostino Pinna will give a speech to illustrate to participants the highly symbolic nature of the Bench and Italy's commitment to combating violence and gender discrimination.

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