
An exhibition in Tokyo on the gardens designed by Carlo Scarpa

The architect's work photographed by Sekiya Masaaki

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 24 GIU - "The space of gardens between design and photography". This is the title of the exhibition organised by the Italian Cultural Institute in Tokyo, which recounts the theme of garden space within Carlo Scarpa's varied architectural oeuvre.
    In particular, the itinerary focuses on the design of the Fondazione Querini Stampalia garden in Venice and that of the Tomba Brion complex in S. Vito di Altivole. The visitor approaches the two projects thanks to Scarpa's original preparatory drawings and Sekiya Masaaki's photographs, images that manage to capture the essence of the two works.
    Also on show for the first time are some photographs taken by Carlo Scarpa in Kyōto in 1969, which express the architect's great love for Japanese culture. The exhibition, which will remain open until 5 September, is curated by J.K. Mauro Pierconti with photographic and archive material from MAXXI, the Carlo Scarpa Archive, the Sekiya Archive and the Businaro Archive. The exhibition was opened by Mauro Pierconti with an introduction by Hamaguchi Osami, followed by a visit to the exhibition by the Italian ambassador to Tokyo, Gianluigi Benedetti.

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