
FAO and Italy for sustainable land management in Somalia

Ambassador Daccò Coppi launched 2 million initiative

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - NAIROBI, 24 GIU - The Italian Embassy in Mogadishu, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) have launched a EUR 2 million initiative to improve information management on Somalia's land and water resources.
    The initiative has two components: on the one hand, it intervenes against the effects of climate change and in particular for the reduction of flood risks that often affect the town of Qardho in Puntland. The second component intervenes to facilitate the gradual transfer of the functions of the Swalim information system, developed by Fao, to Somali institutions and ministries, with a view to sustainability. The system provides data and information products useful for the sustainable management of the country's land, water and natural resources.
    "This project is in line with the FAO mission to transform agri-food systems in Somalia, making them more resilient, sustainable, inclusive and efficient. It will support Swalim's critical functions by directly assisting Somalia's federal and state governments," said FAO Representative in Somalia, Etienne Peterschmitt.
    The Ambassador of Italy to Somalia, Pier Mario Daccò Coppi, said: "Italy's long-standing support for initiatives to improve local resource management underscores our commitment to providing Somali partners with the essential tools and knowledge for proactive and informed decision-making. The challenges posed by climate change and water scarcity are global, and therefore require collective efforts to address. Today, Italy reaffirms its commitment to stand by Somalia in this crucial effort'.
    The head of AICS Nairobi office, Giovanni Grandi, said, "when it comes to using environmental and natural resources in a sustainable manner, AICS shares the same interests as Somalia. By strengthening local capacities, we aim to promote sustainable development and improve the resilience of local communities. This initiative is a significant step towards the effective management of land and water resources for the benefit of current and future generations'.

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