
The Italian Ambassador to Algeria visits the city of Blida

Delivered volumes on literature and didactics for students

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ALGERI, 27 GIU - The Italian ambassador to Algeria Alberto Cutillo visited the city of Blida, south of Algiers, accompanied by the director of the Italian Cultural Institute, Antonia Grande. This was reported by the Italian embassy in Algiers in a post published last night on its social networks.
    During his visit, the Italian diplomat met the Wali (Governor) Brahim Ouchen for an exchange of views, especially on the broad possibilities of economic cooperation.
    The head of the diplomatic mission then visited the University of Blida 2, meeting with the rector Adel Mezough, the dean of the language faculty, and the head of the Italianistics department Lamia Mouissi.
    For the occasion, Ambassador Cutillo handed over to the head of the Department of Italianistics the volumes on literature and didactics offered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for Italian students.

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