
Italian university scholarships to six Venezuelans

Conferred by the Italian Embassy in Caracas

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - CARACAS, 29 GIU - The Italian Embassy in Venezuela has awarded new scholarships to young Venezuelans to study in the Peninsula during the 2024/2025 academic year.
    The joint commission envisaged by the cultural cooperation agreement between the Italian Republic and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, reports a press release, "examined the numerous applications received, selecting six particularly talented male and female students with promising academic prospects in fields such as energy engineering, biology and medicine".
    Thanks to the support offered by the Italian government, it goes on to say, which "also for this year reaches a total value of around 60,000 euro, the beneficiaries will continue their training at universities such as the Polytechnic of Turin and the Sapienza of Rome, gaining an experience in Italy that may open up further opportunities in the academic, research and professional spheres".
    The Italian Ambassador to Venezuela, Giovanni Umberto De Vito, expressed his appreciation for the strengthening of the bonds of friendship between Italy and Venezuela, emphasising that the awarding of the scholarships represents a valuable investment in the new generations, for a qualified education in step with the challenges of our time and to build a more promising future with more opportunities.

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