
Libya: EU amb. EU, 'Berlin Process' talks resume

Hasn't met since last December, 'steps towards vote'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TRIPOLI, 29 GIU - The first meeting since last December of the economic working group of the Berlin Process, an initiative aimed at fostering peace stability and free elections in Libya, took place two days ago in Tripoli, European Ambassador to Cairo Nicola Orlando informed today.
    "At the initiative of the European Union," Orlando tweeted, "the co-chairs of the Berlin Process Economic Working Group met last Thursday in Tripoli to re-launch efforts to support Libyan parties in addressing financial and economic challenges with the aim of promoting stability and economic opportunities for the benefit of people in Libya.
    At the end of the meetings, the European ambassadors in Libya met with the Chairman of the Libyan Electoral Commission Emad Al Sayeh. "We congratulated him on the progress made in the preparations for the municipal council elections and as a major international contributor we confirmed our strong support," Orlando added.
    The 'Berlin Process' is an initiative launched by Germany to foster internal and international unity in Libya for peace, and to actively support the UN-led mediation process. The process led to the organisation of a conference in Berlin in early 2020, where a 55-point declaration was adopted specifying the different elements of a possible agreement and establishing an internationally supported process to help end the conflict. Three parallel tracks were created: a military track, with a 5+5 group tasked with working out the modalities of a ceasefire; a political track, with a group of representatives from both the eastern and western parts of the country and civil society tasked with working on a political solution; and an economic track with experts focusing on the economic challenges to be addressed.

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