
Amb. of Italy in Mogadishu meets the Minister of Security

The Somali government expressed gratitude for Rome's friendship

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 02 LUG - The Italian Ambassador in Mogadishu, Pier Mario Daccò Coppi, was received today by the Minister of Internal Security of the Federal Republic of Somalia, Abdullahi Sheik Ismail: this was announced in a note from the Italian Embassy in Mogadishu. Abdullahi expressed his government's gratitude for the constant closeness and friendship that Italy has reserved for Somalia over the decades, recalling as an emblematic demonstration of the special relationship that exists between the two countries the UN's entrusting of Somalia's trusteeship to Italy, with the task of accompanying the nation to independence in 1960.
    The minister expressed his gratitude for the articulate support that Italy continues to provide to the security of Somalia, hoping for a possible further strengthening of bilateral cooperation. In this regard, Ambassador Daccò Coppi recalled the training programmes provided by the Carabinieri to the Somali special police forces in Djibouti and the Italian contribution to the Eucap Somalia mission, in addition to the funding of projects and initiatives for the benefit of strengthening security and the overall stabilisation of the country. Thanking for the excellent cooperation provided in situations involving compatriots, the ambassador finally anticipated possible bilateral agreements to further strengthen police cooperation.

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