
Tunis, agreement for entry into Italy of 2,000 construction workers

'Vocational Training for the Italy-Tunisia Partnership'

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - TUNISI, 03 LUG - The National Association of Building Contractors (Ance), the non-profit training organisation Elis, the Tunisian Employment Agency (Aneti) and the Vocational Training Agency (Atfp) signed a convention in Tunis for the entry into Italy of 2,000 Tunisian workers in the construction sector within the framework of the European Union's 'Thamm+' programme. This was announced by the Italian Embassy in Tunis on X, emphasising that "professional training, a pillar of the Mattei Plan, is at the heart of the partnership between Italy and Tunisia". The agreement aims to provide certified language and technical training to 2,000 Tunisians over three years and to place them in Ance member companies. Through this programme, the EU, in cooperation with the member states and Tunisia, implements concrete measures to make legal migration possible, within the framework of mutually beneficial cooperation, thus fighting irregular migration,' the EU delegation in Tunisia wrote on its social channels.
    "Thamm+," which will be implemented from 2024 to 2026, represents the development of legal and organised mobility programmes within the framework of cooperation between North African countries and EU countries and the strengthening of mechanisms for the protection of migrant workers in compliance with the principles of human rights and international labour standards for labour migration and the improvement of migration management and institutional capacity building for the institutions and bodies involved, a note from the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training in Tunis read.

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