
Ceremony on board Marina 'Palinuro' in Montenegro

Ambassador Marsella hands out Italian language certificates

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 04 LUG - The Italian Navy's training ship 'Palinuro' hosted the ceremony of handing over certificates of knowledge of the Italian language to representatives of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro.
    The certificates went to personnel who attended the language course organised by the NGO in cooperation with the Defence Attaché, the Italian Embassy in Montenegro and the Italian community. The diplomas were presented by the Italian Ambassador Andreina Marsella. The ceremony was attended by the ship's commander, Samuele Mondino, and the Defence Attaché, Agostino Piccirillo. Also present were Montenegrin civil and military authorities, including Deputy Prime Minister Srdan Pavicevic.

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