
Italy at UN strongly condemns repression in Myanmar

Intervention Amb. Grassi at the Human Rights Council

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - GINEVRA, 04 LUG - Italy today reiterated its strong condemnation of the "brutal repression" of the people of Myanmar by the military regime. Speaking in Geneva as part of the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar, Thomas Andrews, in the framework of the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Geneva, Ambassador Vincenzo Grassi, also reiterated his deep concern over the worsening humanitarian crisis in the country.
    Ambassador Grassi called for an end to attacks on civilians and to all violations or abuses of human rights," said a note from the Representation. Italy also deplored the introduction of compulsory conscription, including of the Rohingya, which is causing further internal and regional displacement and risks exacerbating divisions between communities and inter-ethnic tensions.
    Ambassador Grassi then highlighted the need to ensure the prosecution of those responsible for the serious crimes and, in this regard, confirmed Italy's support for the work of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (Iimm). He also reiterated the call to ensure humanitarian access and the release of those arbitrarily detained, stressing the importance of an inclusive dialogue with all stakeholders to foster a lasting democratic process.

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