
Switzerland: Amb. Cornado meets Interior Minister Jans

The focus is on cooperation between the police forces of the two countries

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - GINEVRA, 04 LUG - The Ambassador of Italy to Switzerland Gian Lorenzo Cornado was received today in Bern by Federal Councillor (Minister) Beat Jans, Head of the Federal Department of Justice and Police.
    During the meeting, Ambassador Cornado and Federal Councillor Jans discussed issues concerning the excellent cooperation between the police forces of the two countries. This cooperation," reported a press release from the Embassy, "concerns in particular the fight against terrorism, organised crime, common crime and the smuggling of migrants, which is based on a plurality of communication channels, which report to the Service for International Police Cooperation of the Central Criminal Police Directorate and the Federal Police Office Fedpol.
    The control is deployed along the Italian-Swiss border, through mixed patrols and thanks to the contribution of the CCPD (Police and Customs Cooperation Centre) in Chiasso, a real 'joint headquarters' where the Federal Police, the Cantonal Police, the State Police, the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza, and the Italian and Swiss Customs operate together 24 hours a day in constant contact with the respective authorities.

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