
Algeria, 137 Sahrawi minors will spend their holidays in Italy

Within the framework of the humanitarian programme Small Ambassadors for Peace

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ALGERI, 05 LUG - The Italian Embassy in Algiers has assisted 137 Saharawi minors and 28 accompanying persons, who will travel to Italy starting tomorrow, by special flight from Tindouf in the far south-west of Algeria, to spend the summer in the framework of the humanitarian initiative "Little Ambassadors for Peace" This year, the children will be hosted by charitable organisations and families in Emilia Romagna, Tuscany, Lazio and Sicily, according to well-informed sources in the North African capital.
    The project, which is celebrating its 42nd anniversary, will host the children from the Sahrawi refugee camps for two months, with the aim of providing them with a moment of social exchange and recreation in a climate that is decidedly more favourable than the torrid desert temperatures.
    The consular activities, which took place in the refugee camps and in Algiers, did not only focus on the critical issues related to the process of issuing travel documents for the programme participants, but also made it possible to guarantee more capillary assistance for some particularly complex cases of minors suffering from pathologies to be treated in Italy thanks to the use of regional funds.

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