
Ambassador Trichilo sees Vice-President of the Croatian Parliament

Focus on bilateral relations, cooperation in the EU, enlargement

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ZAGABRIA, 06 LUG - The Deputy Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Željko Reiner received the Italian Ambassador PaoloTrichilo to discuss bilateral relations, cooperation within the European Union and the process of European integration of the countries of South-Eastern Europe.
    Confirming the friendly relations and partnership between the two countries, the interlocutors agreed that Italy and Croatia cooperate fruitfully in many areas of mutual interest, emphasising the excellent and dynamic economic cooperation, Italy being Croatia's first trading partner. At the political level, relations are also strong, as demonstrated by the exchange of visits at the highest level, most recently with the participation of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tajani at the Dubrovnik Forum.
    As for parliamentary cooperation, Reiner emphasised that it is an important component of overall relations, anticipating that the Croatia-Italy Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group will be formed in the Sabor after the summer break. AmbassadorTrichilo, for his part, while hoping for a further intensification of relations also at the parliamentary level, pointed out that the strengthening of trade relations will be fostered by the forthcoming organisation of a Business Forum that will bring together entrepreneurs from both countries.
    In the course of the conversation, with regard to the enlargement of the European Union, agreeing that this is in the interest of the entire Union, the two interlocutors favourably noted the convergence of views between Italy and Croatia on the accession process of the Western Balkan countries.

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