
Consul De Luigi visits archaeological mission in Libya

University of Chieti team at work in the necropolis of Cyrene

Redazione Ansa

(ANSA) - ROMA, 09 LUG - The Consul General of Italy in Benghazi, Francesco Saverio De Luigi, accompanied by archaeologist Oliva Menozzi, visited the archaeological mission of the University of Chieti in Cyrene to secure the rock necropolis.
    The necropolises of Cyrene are subject to various risks, both man-made and natural. The Mission of Chieti, directed by Oliva Menozzi, has been working in Libya since 1997 for the study, monitoring and training of these properties, and has been involved in a similar project in Egypt since 2013. Both missions involve analytical risk diagnostics, restoration, systematic excavation and technology training for local technicians with the aim of creating an international team.

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